Top Tiger Club-These 2nd grade students from Rm. 106, 107 & 109 had Perfect Attendance with no tardies for the whole month of August . Way to start the school year!#LawrenceburgLegacy
AUGUST Math Masters-These students are AWESOME at math. Keep up the GREAT JOB!! #LawrenceburgLegacy
Top Tiger Club-These 2nd grade students from Rm. 110-113 had Perfect Attendance with no tardies for the whole month of August . Way to start the school year!#LawrenceburgLegacy
Higher Impact provided our students and staff with a GREAT CHARACTER assembly today! We will be the IMPACT! #LawrenceburgLegacy
Thank you Ms. Gilmour and Mrs. Niewedde for hosting our Friday Fundamental today! Great reminders & ideas to help students be successful. #LawrenceburgLegacy
Kindergarten DLI students did a bridging activity today to link the colors in both languages! Students and teachers did a fabulous job! #LawrenceburgLegacy
Annual PTO Walkathon
Super Silly Sock Day in Kindergarten
Weekly Newsletter
Our kindergarten DLI students and staff are enjoying Mickey Mouse Day! #LawrenceburgLegacy
Magic Tom talked to our students today about safety and did some magic tricks. Thank you to Officer Bryant & all the other police officers! #LawrenceburgLegacy
Boy & Girls are enjoying learning about safety with Magic Tom. Thank you LPD for providing this program. #LawrenceburgLegacy
E-Learning Day TODAY!
Students will not attend school on the dates listed above. Students will access and complete their curriculum assignments electronically at home.
Students will not attend school on 8/14/2019. Students will access and complete their curriculum assignments electronically at home.
LPS/CES PTO would like to invite you to go to Wang's Hot Chicken in Aurora on Aug.13 from 4-8 pm for dinner. Show your green flyer or a digital copy & 20% of your purchase will come back to our schools! The generous contribution will be given on carry out items as well.
Important Weekly Newsletter
We are learning about the High 5 Bus Expectations this week.
We will be learning about bus safety this week with Ms. Gregory & Officer Bryant. 🚌